The |BExpression Editor|B lets you specify or modify assignment and conditional expressions. You enter the |BExpression Editor|B through |BConditional Goto|B, |BIf-Then|B, |BIf-Then-Else|B, |BLoop|B, |BModule|B, |BSubroutine|B, |BVariable|B and |BConditional Wait|B icons. You can also specify conditions for data validation in input fields in the |BForm|B icon.
If you enter from the |BModule|B, |BSubroutine|B or |BVariable|B icon, you are allowed to create multiple expressions by pressing the |HReturn|H key after entering each expression or by using the |HUp|H and |HDown|H arrows which appear in the |BExpression Editor|B. If you enter through conditional icons such as |BIf-Then|B, you are allowed to enter only one expression.
Variables are defined in expressions in the field near the top of the |BExpression Editor|B. The |BExpression Editor|B is divided into five separate regions: |HFunctions|H, |HVariables|H, |HLogical Operators|H, |HArithmetic Operators|H and the |HExpression Field|H. The |HFunctions|H window lists standard arithmetic and string functions supported in |IAmigaVision|I. The |HVariables|H Window lists all the local and global variables that are available for use. The |HLogical Operators|H are used exclusively in conditional expressions. The |HArithmetic Operators|H are used in assignment expressions. There is a |HField|H provided for entering or editing an expression.
You may either type in an expression or build it by selecting the desired items from the gadgets, variables, and functions in the |BExpression Editor|B.
When you have completed assigning a value to a variable, click on the |HEnter|H gadget or press the |HEnter|H key on the keyboard. If no variable by that name exists, a new variable is created and displayed in the |HVariables|H Window. A one-character code is also displayed with the new variable. The codes are I for integer, B for Boolean, S for string and F for floating point. These codes help remind you of the variable types so that you will not mix incompatible types in an expression (e.g., assigning strings to integer variables and so on).
The Arithmetic operators in the Editor follow the standard symbols used in most programming languages. Use + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division, and () to control the order of operations. The symbol % stands for modulus. For example, the expression |Ha = 16 % 3|H will assign a value of 1 for |Ha|H, which is the remainder when you divide 16 by 3. The only use of the symbol |H=|H is for assignment of values or expressions. The |HEnter|H gadget is for simulating the keyboard |HEnter|H key.
The Logical operators are used for specifying conditional expressions. Use |HAND|H for conjunctions, |HOR|H for disjunction, |HNOT|H for negation, |H<|H for less than, |H>|H for greater than, |H<=|H for less than or equal to, |H>=|H for greater than or equal to, |H<>|H for not equal to and |H==|H for testing the equivalence of two values. In |IAmigaVision|I all string comparisons using the |H==|H symbol are insensitive to the case of the characters in the string. In other words, all strings can contain mixed upper or lower cases. If you need to convert all the characters in a string to upper or lower case there are special string functions available for this purpose.
The |H?=|H is for matching patterns in a string. The pattern string you specify can contain two wildcard characters: the |H*|H character to indicate any phrase including spaces and the |H?|H character for any single character. These wildcard characters are very useful in specifying spelling and grammar tolerance levels.
The |HExpression Field|H has six gadgets associated with it. Their names indicate their respective uses.
See the |IAmigaVision|I Manual for descriptions of the functions shown in the function window. You can click on a function or a variable and it will be inserted in the Expression Field at the location of the cursor.
|02 Videodisc Controller
A choice of video commands is shown in the upper left of the window. Click on a command gadget to use the command. Notice that there are two arrows to the left of the command name. These are used to specify forward or reverse. For instance, when you click on the left arrow next |HFast|H, the video will play fast reverse.
|HStill|H pauses the video. |HPlay|H shows the video at normal speed in forward or reverse. |HStep|H advances one frame at a time. To move forward or reverse at a very fast pace, point to one of the |HScan|H arrows and press the left mouse button. Hold the mouse button down while scanning and release the button to stop. |HSlow|H shows the video in slow motion. |HFast|H shows the video in fast motion.
Click on the |HAudio 1|H and |HAudio 2|H gadgets to change the status of the audio channels. A check mark indicates that the audio is in the On state. The Audio switches function only in the forward play command of the videodisc.
The |HVideo|H and |HIndex|H gadgets are used in a similar fashion to turn the video or index ON or OFF. The |HVideo ON/OFF|H option is available only in certain players. For those players without this feature, the |HVideo status|H gadget has no effect on the display of video. A check mark indicates the ON state. |HIndex|H refers to the video frame numbers typically shown in the top area of the videodisc display.
In the upper right section of the controller, |HFrame|H displays the current frame whenever the video is stopped or paused.
You may also store two separate frame numbers temporarily in memory. To do so, click on either the |HM1|H or |HM2|H gadget. This will enter the number of the current frame into that memory area. You may use the frame numbers stored in this memory area in specifying the frame numbers for the |HPlay|H, |HSearch|H and |HAutostop|H operations.
Use the multistate gadget to select either |IPlay|I, |ISearch|I or |IAutostop|I. |IPlay|I will show the segment of video between the two specified frames and then stop. |ISearch|I will advance the video to the frame specified. |IAutostop|I will stop the videodisc at the preset frame.
Clicking on the |HStart|H or |HStop|H gadgets when Play is selected or |HFrame|H when Search or Autostop is selected displays the Frame Number requester. |HEnter Frame|H opens the Specify Value Requester. |HCurrent Frame|H enters the current frame. If you choose one of the memory choices, the frame number saved in it will be entered.
To view the video as it will be seen in the course, click on |HPreview|H. When you are finished using the controller, click on |HOK|H to exit. If you entered the |BVideodisc Controller|B from the |BVideo|B icon the settings will be saved and you will exit to the |BVideo|B icon requester. This saves the state of the switches: |IVideo ON/OFF|I, |IIndex ON/OFF|I, |IAudio 1 ON/OFF|I, |IAudio 2 ON/OFF|I and the setting of the multistate gadget. Choose |HCancel|H to exit without saving any changes.
While using the |BVideodisc Controller|B, you may wish to adjust its size. This will allow you to see more of the video display area. To make the controller smaller, click the right mouse button anywhere inside the controller. When you do this, only the commands at the top left side of the controller will be visible. When it is small, click the right button in the controller again to return to normal size. To make the controller disappear, click the right mouse button anywhere outside the controller. Click it again to make the controller reappear.
|03 Database Editor
The |BDatabase Editor|B is used for creating and manipulating databases for use with projects. The |BDatabase Editor|B allows you to create a database in dBASE III format; add, update and delete data records; and delete database files.
Use the |BDatabase Editor|B to define the record structure using data fields. This requires careful planning, as |IAmigaVision|I does not let you alter the record structure of a database once you have created it. If you anticipate adding a new field later, you must plan now or create a new database later.
The database is stored in dBASEIII-compatible file format with a .dBF file extension. This allows you to use other commercially available database software such as |ISuperbase|I, which supports dBASEIII-compatible files, to read |IAmigaVision|I data files for extensive analysis or modification.
Denote one or more of the data fields as keys for selecting a specific record. |IAmigaVision|I allows you to change the keys even if you have specified them once. The keys are used to create what is known as an index file. When you change the keys the old index file will be erased and replaced by the new one.
When you read dBASE III files created by other software products, such as |ISuperbase|I the keys specified in those products will not be transferable to |IAmigaVision|I. You must use |IAmigaVision's|I |BDatabase Editor|B and specify keys for creating the index (.ndx) files.
|BField Types and Sizes|B
The |IAmigaVision|I |BDatabase Editor|B supports the following field types, which are shown along with their maximum allowable sizes:
|HString|H 254 characters
|HNumeric|H 15 digits including the decimal point
|HBoolean|H fixed width of one character
|HDate |H fixed width of 10 characters
|HString|H fields are used to store alphanumeric information like names, addresses, etc.
|HNumeric|H fields may contain integer or floating point numbers. If you select numeric, you may also specify the number of decimal places. The size of |Hnumeric|H fields includes the decimal and the number of places to the right of it.
|HBoolean|H fields can only be |HT|H (for TRUE) or |HF|H (for FALSE) and are assigned a default width of one character. These fields are like flags that you can set which allow you to search for records in which the condition is TRUE or FALSE.
|HDate|H field formats are set in the |HConfiguration-Preferences|H menu. The choices are: mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy,, dd-mm-yy, yy/mm/dd and yy-mm-dd.
The database records that you create using the |BDatabase Editor|B may contain up to 128 fields. There is also a limit of 4000 characters per record.
In the |HDatabase Filename|H field, you specify the name of your file. If the file that you specify does not exist, you will be able to specify the record structure and choose the |HCreate|H option, which creates a new database file. Once created the record structure cannot be edited within |IAmigaVision|I. However, you can read the database file into other commercially available database software to edit the record structure.
|04 Editing Data
In the |BDatabase Editor|B you may edit (i.e., add, modify or delete) records in the database. To do so, type the name of the file in the |HDatabase Filename|H field, and click on the Edit Data gadget. The |BEdit Database|B Window opens.
You use the |HPrev|H and the |HNext|H gadgets to browse through and edit the data fields of each record and then click on |HUpdate|H. If you want to browse the data sequentially then choose |HBy Record #|H using the multistate gadget at the top right corner of the |BEdit Window|B. To view the keyboard shortcuts press the right mouse button and the list will be displayed at the upper left corner of the screen.
You can also browse your database records by typing in one or more key values and then selecting the |HBy Key|H option.
|HDelete|H is for deleting the currently selected record, i.e., whose fields are being displayed in the |BEdit Window|B.
If you have too many fields in your database to be displayed in the |BEdit Window|B, |IAmigaVision|I creates additional pages. If there are more than one page of fields in a single record, the current page number is indicated in the lower right. If there is more than one page, you may move between pages by using the |HPrev Page|H and |HNext Page|H gadgets at the bottom of the window.
When you are finished editing, click on the |HExit|H gadget to exit the |BEdit Window|B and return back to the |BDatabase Window|B. You can now create a new database or edit the keys and/or the data of an old database or you can click on the |HExit|H gadget to exit the |BDatabase Editor|B.
|05 Edit Keys
|BKeys|B index a file based on the most important information. Your database can have more than one key, but the order of the keys affects how the information is displayed.
Click on the field you wish to make a key from the FIELDS list and click |HInsert|H.
To remove a key, click on it in the KEYS list and click |HDelete|H.
To change the order of a key, select it, click |HMove|H and click on the other key with which you wish to swap places.
To remove all keys click |HClear|H.
|06 Object Editor
The |BObject Editor|B adds graphic objects, hit boxes and text information to your presentation.
You may add objects such as |HRectangles|H, |HPolygons|H, |HLines|H, |HEllipses|H, |HText/Variables|H, |HBrushes|H and |HANIM Brushes|H. When entering the object editor from a |BForm|B icon, you may also place |HInput Fields|H. When entering from the |BText File|B icon, you may place a |HText Window|H.
Use the Control Panel to define the following objects:
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one corner of the rectangle and drag the mouse to define the opposite. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the rectangle objects you need. Double-click inside the rectangle to access the requester.
Click the left mouse button to define the location of each of the corners of the polygon and click the right button to mark the last corner. The polygon will be automatically closed. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the polygon objects you need. Double-click inside the polygon to access the requester.
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one end of the line and drag the mouse to define the other. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the line objects you need. Double-click on the line to access the requester.
Click the left mouse button to define the location of the geometric center of the ellipse and drag the mouse to define the radii of the semi-major and the semi-minor axes. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the ellipse objects you need. Double-click inside the ellipse to access the requester.
Text/Variable Field:
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one end of the text field and drag the mouse to define the other. The height is set by the font size. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the Text/Var objects you need. Double-click the text field to access the requester.
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one corner of the rectangular window for displaying the brush, and drag the mouse to define the opposite. Double-click inside the rectangular brush window to access the requester.
ANIM Brush:
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one corner of the rectangular window for displaying the ANIM brush, and drag the mouse to define the opposite. Click the right mouse button when you have added all the ANIM Brush objects you need. Double-click inside the rectangular ANIM brush window to access the requester.
Input Field:
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one corner of the rectangular input field and drag the mouse to define the other. The height is set and cannot be adjusted. Double-click inside the input field to access the requester.
Text Window:
Click the left mouse button to define the location of one corner of the rectangular area for displaying text, and drag the mouse to define the other. Double-click inside the rectangle to access the requester.
|07 Rectangle
To specify the colors of the object, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Border|H, |HNormal Fill|H, |HSelect Border|H and |HSelect Fill|H. Choose a color from the palette, or change the gadget from |HVisible|H to |HTransparent|H. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Border|H or |HSelect Fill|H, the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this object it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the object with a variable, click |HVar|H and specify a Boolean variable in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester. When the object is clicked, a TRUE value will become FALSE and vice versa.
If you wish to make this object a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this object is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this object is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|08 Polygon
To specify the colors of the object, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Border|H, |HNormal Fill|H, |HSelect Border|H and |HSelect Fill|H. Choose a color from the palette, or change the gadget from |HVisible|H to |HTransparent|H. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Border|H or |HSelect Fill|H, the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this object it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the object with a variable, click |HVar|H and specify a Boolean variable in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester. When the object is clicked, a TRUE value will become FALSE and vice versa.
If you wish to make this object a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this object is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this object is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|09 Line
To specify the colors of the object, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Line|H and |HSelect Line|H. Choose a color from the palette, or change the gadget from |HVisible|H to |HTransparent|H. If you specify a color for the |HSelect Line|H, the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this object it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the object with a variable, click |HVar|H and specify a Boolean variable in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester. When the object is clicked, a TRUE value will become FALSE and vice versa.
If you wish to make this object a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this object is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this object is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|10 Circle
|11 Ellipse
To specify the colors of the object, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Border|H, |HNormal Fill|H, |HSelect Border|H and |HSelect Fill|H. Choose a color from the palette, or change the gadget from |HVisible|H to |HTransparent|H. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Border|H or |HSelect Fill|H, the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this object it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the object with a variable, click |HVar|H and specify a Boolean variable in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester. When the object is clicked, a TRUE value will become FALSE and vice versa.
If you wish to make this object a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this object is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this object is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|12 Text/Variable
Type the text you want to be displayed in the |HText|H field.
If you also want to display a variable, click |HVar|H and choose the variable from the list. The variable will be placed at the end of the |HText|H string.
You can specify the formatting of the string by changing the gadget from |HCenter|H to either |HLeft|H or |HRight|H. These formats are relative to the size of the |BText/Variable|B box.
You may also set the system font used. |IAmigaVision|I supports all standard Amiga fonts. Click on |HFont|H to display the font requester, and choose the appropriate font and size.
To specify the colors of the text, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Text|H, |HNormal Background|H, |HSelect Text|H and |HSelect Background|H. Choose a color from the palette, or change the gadget from |HVisible|H to |HTransparent|H. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Text|H or |HSelect Background|H, the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this text it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
If you wish to make this text a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this text is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this text is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|13 Brush
Specify the name of the brush in the |HNormal|H filename field. If you want a different brush to appear when the object is selected, specify it in the |HSelected|H filename field.
If you want to display only part of a larger brush, make the box the brush is displayed in smaller than the brush. Use the |HPlace|H button to move the brush around relative to the display box.
Turning ON |HCookie Cut|H will make color 0 in the brush transparent. Color 0 is the color in the upper left corner of your color palette.
Turning ON |HHit Mask|H will require the user to actually click on the object (not on the transparent color) to select the object.
To specify the colors of the brush, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Brush|H and |HSelect Brush|H. |HMulticolored|H uses the full palette of the brush for the object, |HTransparent|H hides the brush, and |HStencil|H makes the brush one solid color chosen from the palette requester. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Brush|H the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this brush it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the brush with a variable, click |HVar|H and specify a Boolean variable in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester. When the brush is clicked, a TRUE value will become FALSE and vice versa.
If you wish to make this brush a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this brush is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
If you would like a sound to be heard when this brush is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
|14 Input Field
Specify the variable that is to be input by clicking |HVar|H and choosing the variable from the list in the |HSpecify Variable|H requester.
Specify the type of information being entered by changing the field type: |HString|H, |HNumeric|H, |HBoolean|H or |HDate|H. |IAmigaVision|I will take this type of input and evaluate it to fit into the variable you specified.
Specify the |HSize|H of the input, up to 15 for numeric and 255 for string. For |HNumeric|H values you may also specify the number of decimal places from 0 to 9.
For |HString|H types you can force the text to be all |HUPPER|H, all |Hlower|H or |HMiXed|H case. The text will be reformatted when the user enters the string.
You can also specify the formatting for the input field: |HCentered|H, |HLeft|H-aligned or |HRight|H-aligned text.
To specify the colors of the input field's border, click |HColors|H. You can specify a color or make the border |HTransparent|H.
To validate entries further you can specify an expression to compare with the user's input. You create the |HError Condition|H by clicking on the |BExpression Editor|B gadget. If the input matches the |HError Condition|H, the Error Message appears at the bottom of the screen and the user must input something new.
|15 Text Window
In the requester you may set the screen font used to display your text from an ASCII file. |IAmigaVision|I supports all standard Amiga fonts. Click on |HFont|H to display the font requester, and choose the appropriate font and size.
To specify the colors of the text, click |HColors|H. You can specify a different color for |HWindow Border|H, |HWindow Background|H, |HNormal Text|H and |HHighlighted|H text.
You can embed formatting controls in your text file for different effects:
||H Highlighted text: |Hhighlighted|H
||I Italic text: |Iitalic|I
||B Bold text: |Bbold|B
||U Underlined text: |Uunderlined|U
You can also use combinations:
|16 Screen Palette
Modify the |HRed|H, |HGreen|H and |HBlue|H values of a color by selecting that color and dragging the sliders left and right.
To abort the color changes you make, click |HCancel|H. To switch back to the original colors and continue editing the palette, click |HReset|H.
|17 Screen Definition
The |BScreen Definition|B refers to the resolution and other screen settings that the objects will appear in. The |BObject Editor|B automatically assumes the settings of the closest screen defined in the presentation and will allow you to load the background picture if one is specified.
If you wish to load a new picture as the background, specify it in the |HFilename|H field. You may specify the |HLeft|H and |HTop|H offsets for the picture by changing the related values.
You may also set the resolution, number of colors, overscan and interlace settings.
Resolution refers to the number of horizontal pixels that appear on the screen, 320 for |HLow Resolution|H, |HExtra Halfbrite|H and |HHold And Modify|H; 640 for |HHigh Resolution|H.
The number of colors is dependent on the resolution. |HLow Resolution|H screens may have 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 colors. |HHigh Resolution|H screens may have 2, 4, 8 or 16 colors. |HExtra Halfbrite|H screens always have 64 colors and |HHold And Modify|H screens always have 4096 colors.
The |HInterlace|H setting refers to the number of vertical pixels that appear on the screen. On NTSC monitors, non-interlaced screens are 200 pixels high, and interlaced screens are 400 pixels high. On PAL monitors, non-interlaced screens are 256 pixels high, and interlaced screens are 512 pixels high.
The |HOverscan|H setting refers to the use of border area on the monitor. Normally a picture is centered on the screen with a colored border on all four sides. |HOverscan|H screens extend into this border, making them taller and wider. Low-Resolution Standard Overscan screens are 352 pixels wide and Maximum Overscan screens are 368 pixels wide. High-Resolution Standard Overscan screens are 704 pixels wide and Maximum Overscan screens are 736 pixels wide. NTSC Overscan non-interlaced screens are 240 pixels tall, interlaced screens 480 pixels tall. PAL Overscan non-interlaced screens are 296 pixels tall, interlaced screens 592 pixels tall.
|18 ANIM Brush
Specify the name of the ANIM brush in the Filename field.
To specify the colors of the ANIM brush, click |HColors|H. You may specify a different color for |HNormal Brush|H and |HSelect Brush|H. |HMulticolored|H uses the full palette of the ANIM brush, |HTransparent|H hides the ANIM brush, and |HStencil|H makes the ANIM brush one solid color chosen from the palette requester. If you specify colors for the |HSelect Brush|H the |HSelected|H button will be turned ON when you exit the |HColors|H requester.
If you turn |HToggle|H on, whenever the user clicks this ANIM brush it will switch from |HNormal|H to |HSelected|H. It will switch back when it is clicked again.
To associate the ANIM brush with a variable, specify a Boolean variable in the |HVar|H field. When the ANIM brush is clicked, a FALSE value will become TRUE and vice versa.
To make this ANIM brush a "hit box", enter a string in the |HResponse|H field. Whenever this ANIM brush is selected by the user, the value of the |Iresponse()|I function will be equal to this string.
To hear a sound when this ANIM brush is clicked, turn |HSound ON|H. If you do not specify a sound file, the default sound (as specified in the |IDefaults|I menu) will be heard. Otherwise enter the name of the sound in the Filename field. You may also control which speaker the sound is heard through -- |HStereo|H, |HLeft|H or |HRight|H.
Change the speed of the ANIM brush by selecting Override Speed. The default speed of the ANIM brush will be displayed in the Speed field. Enter a number larger than the default speed to cause the ANIM brush to run slower than normal. The lowest number you can enter in the Speed field is 1. Entering 0 causes the ANIM brush to run at the default speed.
|19 Path Info
This requester allows you to adjust options for a specified path.
Once the object reaches the end of the path, the Mode gadget tells |IAmigaVision|I what should happen. The options are Loop (when the last point is reached, the object repeats the path), Bounce (when the last point is reached, the object reverses motion and moves along the path backwards), Stop (when the last point is reached, stop the object), and Remove (when the last point is reached, remove the object).
The Start gadget indicates the point along the path at which the object starts its motion. The Reps gadget tells the number of times that the object loops though its path. A value of 0 creates an infinite loop. The Speed gadget controls the speed at which the object moves along the path. The larger the number, the slower the object moves.